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Calculate CDF of Weibull distribution in R

I want to calculate the probability that a Weibull random variable X is greater than 1000, where X ~ Weibull(lambda, g).

Using the CDF I calculate it as:

g = log(log(.7)/log(.5))/log(40/81)
lambda = -log(.7)/400^g

> exp(-lambda*1000^g)
[1] 0.4294352

but using the R package as below, the result is different

> pweibull(1000, shape = g, scale= lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0

Why are the results different? Am I using the R package wrong?


  • From the Wikipedia page. It looks like you are using the first alternative of alternative parameterization.

    Following the article, your lambda value is actually "B". To convert to the standard lambda, the conversion is:

    lambdaNew <- exp(-log(lambda)/g)

    Thus the R function becomes:

    pweibull(1000, g, lambdaNew, lower.tail = FALSE)
    # [1] 0.4294352