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Register C# Dep Injection for generic factory

I am trying to register a factory that can emit things, and do it so that I can request the most abstract version of this with DI and then decide at registration what combinations of things will actually be used.

The code:

// The thing

public interface IThing
    void DoSomething();

public class ThingA : IThing
    public void DoSomething() => throw new NotImplementedException();

public class ThingB : IThing
    public void DoSomething() => throw new NotImplementedException();

// The factory

public interface IThingFactory<TThing> where TThing : IThing
    TThing CreateThing();

public class MyThingFactory<TThing> : IThingFactory<TThing> where TThing : IThing
    public TThing CreateThing() => throw new NotImplementedException();

If I register and use these as follows, it works:

Services.AddSingleton<IThingFactory<ThingA>, MyThingFactory<ThingA>>();
var factory = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IThingFactory<ThingA>>();
// factory is a MyThingFactory<ThingA>

What I really want to do is register things such that I can request a IThingFactory<IThing>, but for instance, the following definition fails to compile:

Services.AddSingleton<IThingFactory<IThing>, MyThingFactory<ThingA>>();


The type 'MyThingFactory' cannot be used as type parameter 'TImplementation' in the generic type or method 'ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions.AddSingleton<TService, TImplementation>(IServiceCollection)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'MyThingFactory' to 'IThingFactory'

It's not clear how to register this.


  • If you enable covariance on the interface using the out keyword you will be able to register the service.

    //                              +--- Add this
    //                              |
    public interface IThingFactory<out TThing> where TThing : IThing
        TThing CreateThing();

    Then you can implicitly cast from IThingFactory<ThingA> to IThingFactory<IThing>, which will allow registering the type. Like so:

    Services.AddSingleton<IThingFactory<IThing>, MyThingFactory<ThingA>>();