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Flutter widget test mockito error type Null is not a subtype of bool

So I am writing widget testing for Flutter using flutter test plugin. So, in my test widget, I am using mockito to mock third party services. So, I am getting an error that says 'type Null is not a subtype of bool'. I tried to cover for that but I do not get why am I still getting the error when I run the test code.

I tried to cover for that but I do not get why am I still getting the error when I run the test code. Here is my code below:

class MockGlobalSearchViewModel extends Mock implements GlobalSearchViewModel {}


testWidgets('Global Widget Test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    // Create mock instances
    final mockGlobalSearchViewModel = MockGlobalSearchViewModel();

    when(mockGlobalSearchViewModel.isNetworkError()).thenReturn(true);//this is where I am getting the error

        final globalSearchViewModelProvider = Provider<GlobalSearchViewModel>.value(value: mockGlobalSearchViewModel);

 await tester.pumpWidget(
        home: MultiProvider(
          providers: [
          child: const GlobalSearchWidget()

So, can I please have some assistance from anyone, I honestly tried anything and I cannot get why am I not getting it right.


  • Problem:

    You're getting the error because the mocks for GlobalSearchViewModel has not been generated. Mockito uses code generation to create its mocks.


    To generate the mocks for GlobalSearchViewModel, do the following:

    1. Remove the manually written mock from your test file:

      class MockGlobalSearchViewModel extends Mock implements GlobalSearchViewModel {}
    2. Add the build_runner package to your project's dev dependencies:

      dart pub add dev:build_runner
    3. Import the generated mocks file and annotate it with @GenerateMocks:

      import 'test_file_name.mocks.dart'; // Replace `test_file_name` with your test file name
    4. Run build_runner to generate the mocks file:

      dart run build_runner build
    5. Run your tests and the "Null is not a subtype of bool" error should not up.

      flutter test