I would like to use tbl_summary()
and tbl_strata()
to create a summary table:
mpg |>
select(hwy, cyl, manufacturer) |>
tbl_strata(strata = manufacturer, ~ .x |>
tbl_summary(by = cyl, type = list("hwy" ~ "continuous")),
.combine_with = "tbl_stack")
But I would like to omit the "hwy" label and just use "manufacturer" as label, in order to get rid of the many blank rows. Is that possible?
This is very similar to the second example in the help file for ?tbl_strata
.combine_args = list(group_header = NULL)
to suppress the default stacked headers.tbl_strata2()
which passes the strata level as a second argument, and add this line to update the label label = list(hwy = .y)
#> [1] '1.7.2'
data("mpg", package = "ggplot2")
mpg |>
select(hwy, cyl, manufacturer) |>
strata = manufacturer,
~ .x |>
by = cyl,
type = list(hwy = "continuous"),
label = list(hwy = .y)
.combine_with = "tbl_stack",
.combine_args = list(group_header = NULL)
) |>
as_kable() # convert to kable to display on SO
#> ℹ Column headers among stacked tables differ. Headers from the first table are
#> used. Use `quiet = TRUE` to suppress this message.
Characteristic | 4, N = 8 | 6, N = 9 | 8, N = 1 |
audi | 29 (27, 29) | 25 (25, 26) | 23 (23, 23) |
chevrolet | 29 (28, 29) | 26 (26, 28) | 20 (17, 24) |
dodge | 24 (24, 24) | 22 (18, 23) | 16 (15, 17) |
ford | 19 (17, 25) | 17 (17, 21) | |
honda | 32 (32, 34) | ||
hyundai | 28 (27, 29) | 25 (24, 26) | |
jeep | 20 (20, 21) | 17 (14, 18) | |
land rover | 17 (15, 18) | ||
lincoln | 17 (17, 18) | ||
mercury | 18 (18, 19) | 18 (18, 19) | |
nissan | 30 (29, 31) | 25 (19, 26) | 18 (18, 18) |
pontiac | 27 (26, 27) | 25 (25, 25) | |
subaru | 26 (25, 26) | ||
toyota | 30 (23, 31) | 20 (19, 26) | 17 (16, 18) |
volkswagen | 29 (29, 29) | 29 (29, 29) | 25 (24, 26) |
Created on 2024-04-12 with reprex v2.1.0