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How to test dynamic metric registration in custom prometheus exporter?

UPDATE: current source available here.

I'm currently working on a custom prometheus exporter for to expose both scraping and price metrics for all registered watches.

After having a working Proof-of-Concept, i'm trying to get the project maintainable and ready for release to the open source community (eg. adding tests & documentation and making it as feature complete as possible).

While writing those tests, i stumbled across a problem when trying to test the dynamic registration of new watches as they are created in the monitored instance. In order for the exporter to pick them up without a restart, i check the API for newly added watches on each collect run.

Here's the Collect function of the priceCollector:

func (c *priceCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
    // check for new watches before collecting metrics
    watches, err := c.ApiClient.getWatches()
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("error while fetching watches: %v", err)
    } else {
        for id, watch := range watches {
            if _, ok := c.priceMetrics[id]; !ok {
                // create new metric and register it on the DefaultRegisterer
                c.priceMetrics[id] = newPriceMetric(prometheus.Labels{"title": watch.Title}, c.ApiClient, id)

                log.Infof("Picked up new watch %s, registered as metric %s", watch.Title, id)

    // collect all registered metrics
    for _, metric := range c.priceMetrics {

The newPriceMetric function simply creates a new priceMetric object consisting of a prometheus.Desc, an ApiClient (class providing access to's API) and a UUID:

func newPriceMetric(labels prometheus.Labels, apiClient *ApiClient, uuid string) priceMetric {
    return priceMetric{
        desc: prometheus.NewDesc(
            prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "watch", "price"),
            "Current price of an offer type watch",
            nil, labels,
        apiClient: apiClient,
        UUID:      uuid,

Testing the default behavior works perfectly fine and passes all tests, but when i try to test the behavior of adding a new watch (while the exporter is running without restarting it), the test fails.

Notes: Both expectMetrics and expectMetricCount are wrapper-functions around prometheus' own testutil.CollectAndCompare and testutil.CollectAndCount. The helper CreateTestApiServer creates a wrapped httptest server which returns JSON payloads based on the passed map[string]*data.WatchItem structure.

func TestAutoregisterPriceCollector(t *testing.T) {
    watchDb := createCollectorTestDb()
    server := testutil.CreateTestApiServer(t, watchDb)
    defer server.Close()

    c, err := NewPriceCollector(server.URL(), "foo-bar-key")
    if err != nil {
    expectMetricCount(t, c, 2, "changedetectionio_watch_price")

    // now add a new watch and expect the collector to pick it up
    uuid, newItem := testutil.NewTestItem("Item 3", 300, "USD")
    watchDb[uuid] = newItem

    expectMetrics(t, c, "price_metrics_autoregister.prom", "changedetectionio_watch_price")
    expectMetricCount(t, c, 3, "changedetectionio_watch_price")

When running that test, the run fails with the following error:

collector_test.go:23: Unexpected metrics returned: gathering metrics failed: collected metric changedetectionio_watch_price label:{name:"title" value:"Item 3"} gauge:{value:300} with unregistered descriptor Desc{fqName: "changedetectionio_watch_price", help: "Current price of an offer type watch", constLabels: {title="Item 3"}, variableLabels: {}}

I currently assume that this error is related to the way testutil.CollectAnd* work internally. According to the function comments, they register the collector on a newly created pedantic Registry which may lead to it not picking up the lazily registered descriptor.

Any thoughts on that?


  • I'm unsure whether this answers your question but, here's an example

    package main
    import (
    var (
        endpoint = flag.String(
            "The endpoint of the HTTP server",
    type TestCollector struct {
        values []string
        foo    *prometheus.Desc
    func NewTestCollector() *TestCollector {
        return &TestCollector{
            foo: prometheus.NewDesc(
    func (c *TestCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
        defer c.RUnlock()
        for _, value := range c.values {
            ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
    func (c *TestCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
        ch <-
    func main() {
        c := NewTestCollector()
        registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
        go func() {
            for i := range 20 {
                value := fmt.Sprintf("value-%02d", i)
                slog.Info("Adding value", "value", value)
                c.values = append(c.values, value)
                    "count", testutil.CollectAndCount(c, "foo"))
                time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
                registry, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}))
        slog.Error("unable to listen",
            "err", http.ListenAndServe(*endpoint, nil))

    The metric foo has a growing (every 15 seconds) set (0..19) of labels (value-xx)

    The CollectAndCount increases with each iteration:


    2024/04/12 10:43:37 INFO Adding value value=value-00
    2024/04/12 10:43:37 INFO testutil count=1
    2024/04/12 10:43:52 INFO Adding value value=value-01
    2024/04/12 10:43:52 INFO testutil count=2
    2024/04/12 10:44:07 INFO Adding value value=value-02
    2024/04/12 10:44:07 INFO testutil count=3
    2024/04/12 10:44:22 INFO Adding value value=value-03
    2024/04/12 10:44:22 INFO testutil count=4
    2024/04/12 10:44:37 INFO Adding value value=value-04
    2024/04/12 10:44:37 INFO testutil count=5
    2024/04/12 10:44:52 INFO Adding value value=value-05


    curl --silent --get http://localhost:8080/metrics
    # HELP foo foo
    # TYPE foo counter
    foo{labels="value-00"} 1
    foo{labels="value-01"} 1
    foo{labels="value-02"} 1
    foo{labels="value-03"} 1
    foo{labels="value-04"} 1
    foo{labels="value-05"} 1