I have a seaborn barplot. There are two groups (two x-axis ticks). The first group has 2 hues/sub-groups/conditions. The second group has 3 hues.
When constructing the barplot, seaborn assumes that there are 3 hues for each group. Thus, it leaves an empty gap where the "third bar" of the first group should be, even though it does not exist.
How do I change the barplot so that:
By the way, in the left subplot, group2
should have a third bar but is left as "n/a" for unrelated reasons.
chatGPT gave me various manual plotting solutions, but ultimately they didn't work. I'm sure if I tried hard enough the manual plotting could work.
Here's one way to do it that requires manipulating the Rectangle
patch positions made by the barplot
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
# some data
data = {
"group": [1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
"measure": [0.7, 0.75, 0.78, 0.8, 1.3],
"hue": [1, 2, 1, 2, 3]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
fig = sns.barplot(data=df, x="group", y="measure", hue="hue")
# get xy positions of rectangles in bar
rects = {}
for p in fig.get_children():
if isinstance(p, Rectangle):
if p.get_height() in data["measure"]:
# rectangle is one of the bars
xy = p.get_xy()
rects[xy[0]] = p
# number of values in each group
num_in_groups = df.groupby("group").count()["measure"].values
x0 = min(rects.keys()) # x-position of first bar
pad = 0.02 # some padding between groups
# sort bars on x-position
rects = sorted(rects.items())
width = rects[0][1].get_width() # bar widths
tickpos = [
x0 + (width * num_in_groups[0]) / 2,
x0 + pad + (width * num_in_groups[0]) + (width * num_in_groups[1]) / 2
i = 0
for _, rect in rects:
x0 += width
i += 1
if i == num_in_groups[0]:
# add padding between groups
x0 += pad
# reset the group labels
fig.set_xticks(tickpos, fig.get_xticklabels())
# reset the x-axis limits
edgepad = 0.05
fig.set_xlim([rects[0][0] - edgepad, rects[0][0] + width * sum(num_in_groups) + pad + edgepad])