Most of my queries are done in max 3 secs. Even if they are much more complicated. This one takes forever (at leas I quit after 10 mins):
UPDATE public.url
last_seen_on = NOW()
FROM public.temp_url AS B
INNER JOIN public.url AS A
ON A.url_path = B.url_path;
Is there a problem with the query? I'm not getting any error messages. EXPLAIN:
Update on url (cost=28512.96..4035340577.80 rows=0 width=0)
-> Nested Loop (cost=28512.96..4035340577.80 rows=188508798976 width=26)
-> Hash Join (cost=28512.96..53744.52 rows=434176 width=12)
Hash Cond: (b.url_path = a.url_path)
-> Seq Scan on temp_url b (cost=0.00..12641.82 rows=434182 width=43)
-> Hash (cost=19269.76..19269.76 rows=434176 width=42)
-> Seq Scan on url a (cost=0.00..19269.76 rows=434176 width=42)
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..23136.64 rows=434176 width=6)
-> Seq Scan on url (cost=0.00..19269.76 rows=434176 width=6)
Functions: 13
Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true
Most likely not the correct query since you're using url
twice and also without a condition.
My best bet is that you need this query:
UPDATE public.url
last_seen_on = NOW()
FROM public.temp_url
WHERE url.url_path = temp_url.url_path;
An index on both columns url_path
might be beneficial.