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Why does the countdown return to its base value when I click the button?

I started programming in python recently. My program follows the rules of the game of fortune: the player clicks on the button "demarrer", the rules appear, the player clicks on the button "valider", an image appears and the player gives a price by entering it in the input field and clicks on "valider". If the price is higher, the computer indicates it and vice versa. There is also a 60s countdown. This is where the problem occurs: when I click on "valider", for the first time, the image appears but the countdown does not start. I enter a value and click confirm and the countdown starts. Since I have very little chance of finding the right value right away, I'm trying my luck again. So I enter a new number and the countdown returns to its starting value (60 s), so the time is infinite and regenerates each time I click on "valider". I don't know if I was very clear but if anyone could help me I would be happy to accept. Thanks in advance. Here is my script:

from tkinter import *
import time

# Window --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------------

window = Tk()
window.minsize(800, 700)
window.maxsize(800, 700)
window.title("Le juste prix")

img_fond = PhotoImage(file="Juste prix redim.png")
image = Label(window, image=img_fond), y=0)

# Def ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def starting():
    text_1 = Label(window, text="Des objets vont apparaître. Donne un prix le plus proche \n    possible dans le temps imparti. Clique sur valider pour commencer.", font=("Verdana", 15, "italic bold"),
               bg="grey", fg="white"), y=100)

def timer(duree):
    while duree >= 0:
        timer_text["text"] = str(duree)
        if duree == 0:
            text_temps = Label(window, text="Tu n'as plus de temps !", fg="white",     bg="#CA3C66",  font="Verdana 20")
  , y=300)
        duree -= 1

def game():
    price = 96650
    duration = 3000
    img_1 = PhotoImage(file="x6 redim.png")
    x6 = Label(window, image=img_1), y=350)
    x6.image = img_1
    player_reponse = int(champs_de_saisie.get())

    if player_reponse > price:
        less_txt_img1 = Label(window, text="Moins cher !", bg="#CA3C66", fg="#E8AABE" , font=("Verdana", 20,"italic bold")), y=250)
        less_txt_img1.after(duration, less_txt_img1.destroy)
    if player_reponse < price:
        more_txt_img1 = Label(window, text="Plus cher !", bg="#CA3C66", fg="#E8AABE" , font=("Verdana", 20, "italic bold")), y=250)
        more_txt_img1.after(duration, more_txt_img1.destroy)
    if player_reponse == price:
        win_txt_img1 = Label(window, text="Bravo tu as trouvé !", bg="#CA3C66", fg="#E8AABE" , font=("Verdana", 20, "italic bold")), y=250)

# Widgets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

champs_de_saisie = Entry(window, width=15, font="Arial 15"), y=450)
text_2 = Label(window, text="€", font="Verdana 15", bg="grey", fg="white"), y=449)
text_3 = Label(window, text="Ton prix :", font="Verdana 15", bg="grey", fg="white"), y=400)

timer_text = Label(window, text="", bg="#F4CFDF", fg="#A7001E", width=7, font="Arial 30"), y=200)

start_button = Button(window, text="Commencer", bg="#212E53", fg="white", font="Arial 15", width=36, command=starting), y=0)

valid_button = Button(window, text="Valider", bg="#7AA95C", fg="#e5e7e6", width=10, font="Arial   15", command=game), y=500)

leave_button = Button(window, text="Quitter", bg="#A7001E", fg="white", font="Arial 15", width=36, command=window.destroy), y=0)



  • Something like this should do it:

    onetime = False
    def starting():
        global onetime
        onetime = False
    # other parts of this function
    def game():
    # other parts of game ...
        global onetime
        if onetime == False:
            onetime = True
    # remainder of the program

    So you can then call game multiple times without resetting the timer.