I have the following SqlDataSource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="DataSourcePFEP" runat="server" OnSelecting="DataSourcePFEP_Selecting" OnSelected="DataSourcePFEP_Selected"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DALI %>" ProviderName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" CancelSelectOnNullParameter="false">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="PlantID" SessionField="PlantID" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ProductionLine" QueryStringField="Line" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="ProductionLine" SessionField="ProductionLine" />
It is the data source of a GridView and it populates it without issues. But when I try to use it to get the same data by calling the .Select() method in the code behind, it does not return anything.
DataRow Part = ((DataView)DataSourcePFEP.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments())).ToTable().Select("Material = '" + CommandArguments[0] + "' AND SupplierID = '" + CommandArguments[1] + "'")[0];
As you can see, it takes the result of the .Select(), converts this into a DataTable by .ToTable() to then select the row I need using another .Select of the DataTable. But it will throw a null reference error right when trying to convert the results of the DataSourcePFEP.Select().
The issue is that even though I call the .Select(), no select actually seems to happen. I added OnSelecting and OnSelected method for test and they don't fire at all (even though they do during regular Page_Load when it is populating the GridView.
So why could it be that the SqlDataSource.Select() does not fire at all?
Alright, after a bit of experimenting, it looks like I need to set SelectCommand for the SqlDataSource again before calling the Select() on it.
I don't understand why, as it is already set during Page_Load. Does the SelectCommand get cleared for some reason after the SqlDataSource populates the GridView?
I don't understand. Anyway, this way it seems to work. I just needed to set the SelectCommand again.