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Unit Testing StateFlow Created By StateIn

I have a viewmodel class that uses a StateFlow that is created using the StateIn operator.


private val _state = MutableStateFlow(MyState())
private val myItems = myRepository.myFlow.stateIn(
        viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), emptyList<MyObject>())
val state: StateFlow<MyState> = combine(_state, myItems ) { state, myItems ->
    }.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000), MyState())

When reading the documentation and various articles and SO questions (which are outdated), I saw that you are supposed to test this by using:

backgroundScope.launch(UnconfinedTestDispatcher(testScheduler)) {
        //Collect your flow

The problem I am having is that when I create a unit test to test my viewmodel, the collection of the state is not fast enough for the assertions that take place.

fun checkMyItemTest() = runTest {

        val results = mutableListOf<MyState>()
        val job = backgroundScope.launch(UnconfinedTestDispatcher(testScheduler)) {
            viewModel.state.collect {


        assert(results[0].myStateParameter) //Perform some check on results[0]
        assert(results[1].myStateParameter) //Perform some check on results[1]


The test above fails in the second assertion, since results has only one element in it. I have gotten it to work by shoving a Thread.sleep call of 50ms between the two assert calls, but that does not seem like the best approach to me.

    fun checkMyItemTest() = runTest {
            val results = mutableListOf<MyState>()
            val job = backgroundScope.launch(UnconfinedTestDispatcher(testScheduler)) {
                viewModel.state.collect {
            assert(results[0].myStateParameter) //Perform some check on results[0]
            Thread.sleep(50) /// <---- THIS
            assert(results[1].myStateParameter) //Perform some check on results[1]


I am not interested in using Turbine at the moment

So I am looking to understand how I can test my flow properly and how I can collect the values emitted by it.


  • I am also a newbie to testing but from what I have read runTest{} skips delay and is not much diffrent from runBlocking so this might work:

    fun checkMyItemTest() = runTest {
        val results = Channel<MyState>() // this is a rendevous channel
        val job = backgroundScope.launch(UnconfinedTestDispatcher(testScheduler)) {
            viewModel.state.collect {
        val result1 = channel.receive() //suspends till it has a corresponding send call
        val result2 = channel.receive()
        assert(result1.myStateParameter) //Perform some check on result1
        assert(result2.myStateParameter) //Perform some check on result2

    I have not run the code.