I have two components: parent and child, with the following markup. It's vital to this example that the child fetches its own data to render and it must not be provided by the parent. As it's design now, it works as supposed to.
The parent.
<h1>I'm the papa</h1>
<div>Some fixed content</div>
<div>Some dynamic content (soon)</div>
The child.
<h1>I'm the sonny</h1>
<div *ngFor="let item of items">
<div>Total: {{items.count}}</div>
At this stage, I realized that I don't know how to render something that's internal in the child as a part of the content passed from the parent. In the example above, the total is presented (when it's retried from a HTTP request subscribed to). But I'd like to control how it's presented by passing a template for it to the child.
Wish-for, pseudo-code (not working, naturally, since items
doesn't exist in the parent) would be this.
<h1>I'm the papa</h1>
<div>Some fixed content</div>
<div>The cool total: {{items.count}}</div>
I can't use @Input/@Output
because I want to encapsulate the data in the child. I've found a bunch of blogs on the child content and on data exchange. But I failed to find one that illustrates how to pass a template to be rendered with the child's fields. Naturally, the parent needs to guess the fields' names. I'm fine with that (and in case those aren't present, I'd just display nothing.
You can use a template reference variable (I called "data" to makes a look more comfortable)
<app-lookup #data>
<div>Some fixed content</div>
<!--see that you use data.any-property-of child -->
<div>The cool total: {{data.items.count}}</div>
NOTE, really I don't like so much because you force know the properties of the child