I am currently trying to setup a .NET CoAP DTLS Server. My problem is that bouncy castles DTLS management kept crashing just giving me an "internal error (80)". So I downloaded the library and debugged through it, finally finding where it throws. Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.DtlsRecordLayer has the receive method for the package:
internal int Receive(Span<byte> buffer, int waitMillis, DtlsRecordCallback recordCallback)
long currentTimeMillis = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
Timeout timeout = Timeout.ForWaitMillis(waitMillis, currentTimeMillis);
byte[] record = null;
while (waitMillis >= 0)
... // wait millis timeout checks
int receiveLimit = m_transport.GetReceiveLimit();
if (null == record || record.Length < receiveLimit)
record = new byte[receiveLimit];
int received = ReceiveRecord(record, 0, receiveLimit, waitMillis);
int processed = ProcessRecord(received, record, buffer, recordCallback);
if (processed >= 0)
return processed;
currentTimeMillis = DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs();
waitMillis = Timeout.GetWaitMillis(timeout, currentTimeMillis);
return -1;
ProcessRecord is what actually decrypts the records and writes it into the buffer. Problem is ReceiveRecord actually returns a bigger byte value, than the buffer is actually sized.
This is the method
private int ReceiveRecord(byte[] buf, int off, int len, int waitMillis)
if (m_recordQueue.Available > 0)
return ReceivePendingRecord(buf, off, len);
int received = ReceiveDatagram(buf, off, len, waitMillis);
if (received >= RecordHeaderLength)
this.m_inConnection = true;
... // Epoch checks, to make sure what to read
int recordHeaderLength = recordEpoch.RecordHeaderLengthRead;
if (received >= recordHeaderLength)
int fragmentLength = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(buf, off + recordHeaderLength - 2);
int recordLength = recordHeaderLength + fragmentLength;
if (received > recordLength)
m_recordQueue.AddData(buf, off + recordLength, received - recordLength);
received = recordLength;
return received;
EDIT I first assumed a fragmentation error, but after closer investigation I realized that the ReceivePendingRecord function is only triggered on handshake, not on the application data packages afterwards. So I assume the record that triggers the exception isn't actually split into fragments, leaving me with no idea at all.
In wireshark I can see that it always crashes when the package is longer than usual, so maybe the problem is somehow still connected to fragmentation
Bouncy castles DTLS methods aren't thread save and never were intended to be. The CoAP library I used didn't account for that, I created an issue and a seperate repository with a fix for my situation at least. https://github.com/srberard/CoAP.NET/issues/2
Keep that in mind if you want to use Bouncy castle for your DTLS Server.