I want a function to return a value in the range [0, tau) for any given finite number.
Naively I would write
const TAU = Math.PI * 2;
function clamp(theta) {
while(theta < 0) theta += TAU;
return theta % TAU;
However, I note that this is constant time for positive theta and linear time for negative theta. Is there a solution that is O(1) for all input values?
How does %
works in your language for negative argument?
In Python it gives modulo, and
def clamp(theta):
return theta % TAU
returns needed result (for example, same results for pi/2, 5*pi/2, -3*pi/2
If %
is remainder, you can use the next expression (as recommended for JS) to make corrections for negative results:
((theta % TAU) + TAU) % TAU