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Rotation in parent class not working on inheriting class in godot

I have a parent class (not node):

class_name Dragon

extends Area2D

@onready var dragon_frames = $DragonFrames

func _ready():
    rotation += deg_to_rad(60)

The inheriting class:

class_name FireDragon

extends Dragon

func _ready():"flying_red_dragon")

The FireDragon node is not rotating. The animation works fine.
This works as expected:

class_name FireDragon

extends Dragon

func _ready():"flying_red_dragon")
    rotation += deg_to_rad(60)

Do some attributes not work with inheritance?
I'm using godot 4.2.1


  • Your code is correct but for version 3.x,
    _ready() is no longer auto called in version 4.x

    You'll have to manually invoke _ready() like this:

    class_name FireDragon
    extends Dragon
    func _ready():
        super() # or `super._ready()`"flying_red_dragon")