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Regular expression for L = {w|w doesn't contain the substring 110} over the alphabet Σ = {0,1}

Consider the language L = {w|w doesn't contain the substring 110} over the alphabet Σ = {0,1}

Write the regular expression

Currently I have the regular expression as 0*(10*10)*1*

But the autograder says that is wrong and I am not sure how to fix it.

Autograder results:

Running command: $ timeout 15 python3 unit_tests/
UNEXPECTED RESULT ON THESE INPUTS: ['10', '010', '100', '101', '0010', '0100', '0101', '1000', '1001', '1011', ...]
Test for:
    This test gave you 0 more points

Autograder code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
from automata.fa.nfa import NFA
import re


### Open files and populate lists ###
accept_file = open("unit_tests/inputs/1_6f_accepts.txt", "r")
reject_file = open("unit_tests/inputs/1_6f_rejects.txt", "r")
accept_list = accept_file.readlines()
reject_list = reject_file.readlines()

### Remove newlines ###
for i in range(len(accept_list)):
    accept_list[i] = accept_list[i][:-1]
for i in range(len(reject_list)):
    reject_list[i] = reject_list[i][:-1]

### Test Inputs ###
from prob_1_18f import prob_1_18f
test_machine = NFA.from_regex(prob_1_18f, input_symbols={'0', '1'})


for w in accept_list:
    if w not in test_machine:

for w in reject_list:
    if w in test_machine:

### Not Allowing automata-lib Functions ###
pattern = "accepts_input|copy|read_input|read_input_stepwise|validate|iter_transitions|show_diagram|cardinality|clear_cache|complement|count_mod|count_words_of_length|difference|empty_language|from_finite_language|from_nfa|from_prefix|from_subsequence|from_substring|from_substrings|from_suffix|intersection|isdisjoint|isempty|isfinite|issubset|issuperset|iter_transitions|maximum_word_length|minify|minimum_word_length|nth_from_end|nth_from_start|of_length|predecessor|predecessors|random_word|read_input_stepwise|successor|successors|symmetric_difference|to_complete|to_partial|union|universal_language|validate|words_of_length|concatenate|edit_distance|eliminate_lambda|from_dfa|from_regex|intersection|iter_transitions|kleene_star|left_quotient|option|read_input_stepwise|reverse|right_quotient|shuffle_product|union|validate|from_dfa|from_nfa|iter_transitions|to_regex|validate|isequal|issubset|issuperset|validate"
with open("","r") as file:
    for line in file:
        if, line):
            print("automata-lib funcs not allowed for this assignment")

if len(UNEXPECTED) > 0:
    if len(UNEXPECTED) > 10:
        print("[", end="")
        for i in range(9):
            print(f"\'{UNEXPECTED[i]}\'", end=", ")


  • Your regular expression accepts 110, (in particular with the part 10*10 where 0* accepts ε).

    No occurrence of 110 is equivalent to saying that after the first occurrence of 11 (if any) there should be no more zeroes in the rest of the input.

    We can represent this with the following DFA:

    enter image description here

    We have a start state which represents the state where the previous input symbol (if any) was not 1.

    The next state is where the number of consecutive 1 symbols amounts to one.

    The third state is where the number of consecutive 1 symbols is two or more.

    The rightmost state is where the rule was violated and a 0 followed a sequence of two (or more) 1 symbols. It is a non-accept state with no outgoing transitions: a sink.

    We can translate that DFA to this regular expression:
