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Why does Rust not reorder fields in an enum for memory layout?

I know that fields in Rust structs are automatically reordered to save memory (unless e.g. #[repr(C)] is specified).

I was under the assumption that the same is true for enums. Today I was creating a simple helper type (the semantics of the example don't matter, this is about memory layout):

pub enum LazyRwLockGuardVersionA<'a, T> {
    Unlocked(&'a RwLock<T>),
    Read {
        lock: &'a RwLock<T>, // still neccessary for promoting to write lock
        guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>,
    Write(RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>),

While a raw Read/Write Guard uses 16 bytes, this type uses 32. In order to get the compiler to use the niche optimization I tried this version:

pub enum LazyRwLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {
    Unlocked(&'a RwLock<T>),
    Write(RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>),

pub enum LazyRwLockGuardVersionB<'a, T> {
    Read {
        guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>,
        lock: &'a RwLock<T>,
    NonRead(LazyRwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>),

This successfully brings down the memory usage to 24 bytes.

However, I noticed something weird: When reversing the order of fields in the Read variant:

pub enum LazyRwLockGuardVersionC<'a, T> {
    Read {
        lock: &'a RwLock<T>, // order of fields reversed
        guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>,
    NonRead(LazyRwLockWriteGuard<'a, T>),

This type suddenly uses 32 bytes again.

My Rust Version is 1.77, here is a godbolt repro:

  • Are enum fields not allowed to be reordered by the spec, or is the compiler just 'lazy' here?
  • Is there a rough intuition for the algorithm that the compiler currently uses for layouting enums, so I can understand this result, and prevent accidental pessimizations of my code in the future?


  • Are enum fields not allowed to be reordered by the spec, or is the compiler just 'lazy' here?

    The default/Rust type layout is completely unspecified beyond soundness guarantees. The compiler is otherwise free to do whatever it wants, and indeed this does change between compiler versions.

    Is there a rough intuition for the algorithm that the compiler currently uses for layouting enums, so I can understand this result, and prevent accidental pessimizations of my code in the future?

    If you want to have a guarantee of the layout, you must select a different representation.