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how to get textarea value in Python that doesn't have value field

I'm trying to parse html page and get the value from a textarea, but i can't achieve it, i will put my code (i started with selenium but it didn't work either). I don't really understand where this value is in the DOM You can see Value down right in the inspector

so the value is in the inspector but not in the html code... I can't find a way to get it. Please can someone explain me ? Thanks !

#coding: utf8
import lxml.html as lh
import urllib.request 

nb = 36893488147419103232

#while x<=1: #A changer en fonction du nb de pages à crawl
req = urllib.request.Request(url_base, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
get_btc_adr = doc.xpath('//textarea[@id="BTCaddrC"]')
print(get_btc_adr, get_btc_adr[0].value)#Tried Value, text, element_Text()....


  • After looking around and not giving up, i finally made it, here's the working code in case someone encounters same situation :

    #coding: utf8
    from selenium import webdriver
    nb = 36893488147419103232
    driver = webdriver.Firefox()
    while x<=1: #A changer en fonction du nb de pages à crawl
        btc_adr = driver.execute_script("return document.getElementById('BTCaddrC').value")
        with open("result.txt","a") as f:
            f.write(str(nb+x)+" "+btc_adr+"\n")

    Thanks for all trying to help !