I am working on my first mac osx cocoa app for 10.5+ where I have a CVImageBufferRef (captured using QTKit), I need to transfer this image over TCP Socket to the client app. The client app needs RGB values. So here is what I am currently doing (my current solution works as needed but uses a lot of CPU)
CVImageBufferRef --> NSBitmapImageRep --> NSData --> then transmit NSData over TCP Socket to client app and at client side I have the following code to get the RGB:
UInt8 r,g,b
int width=320;
int height=240;
NSData *data; //read from TCP Socket
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap=[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithData:data];
for (y=1;y<=height;y++) {
NSColor *color=[bitmap colorAtX:x y:y];
// ^^ this line is actually a culprit and uses a lot of CPU
r=[color redComponent]*100;
g=[color greenComponent]*100;
b=[color blueComponent]*100;
NSLog(@"r:%d g:%d b:%d",r,g,b);
[bitmap release];
If CVImageBufferRef can be converted to an array of RGB values that would be perfect otherwise I need an efficient solution to convert NSBitmapImageRep to RGB values.
If going straight from a CVImageBufferRef, you can use CVPixelBuffer as it is derived from CVImageBuffer. Use CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress() and then CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress() to get a pointer to the first pixel. There is also many other CVPixelBufferGet* methods (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/QuartzCore/Reference/CVPixelBufferRef/Reference/reference.html) to enquire width, height etc for knowledge of the size of data to be transmitted. And of course CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress() once done with the data.
If using the NSBitmapImageRep, I agree with Justin. using [bitmap bitmapData]
will return the pointer to the first element. Even with no prior knowledge, you can send the raw data that will be:
unsigned char *data = [bitmap bitmapData];
unsigned long size = [bitmap pixelsWide]*[bitmap pixelsHigh]*[bitmap samplesPerPixel]*sizeof(unsigned char);
This data will then be RGB successive values i.e. 1stRedComponent = *(data + 0)
, 1stGreenComponent = *(data + 1)
1stBlueComponent = *(data + 2)
will give you the first RGB component in the data if you need pixel specific access outside of the NSBitmapImageRep