This is a minor annoyance I can't find anything on.
I have a collection select on an Appointment object that shows the times of available appointments:
f.collection_select :appointment_id, @available, :id, :time, {:prompt => "Select a time"}
This displays using the standard DateTime format: 2011-10-31 08:00:00 UTC but I would really prefer the short format, like this:
which displays as 31 Oct 08:00
I can't seem to find the syntax when working with a symbol. Anybody know this?
[While there are hoops you could jump through if you want to maintain the purity of MVC (formatting a date probably isn't what a model should be worried about), I think this is simple enough to be OK.]
Add a method to your model that gives you the string that you want to see.
def short_time
Then use :short_time
as your text_method symbol in collection_select