I would like to prefix all my strapi endpoints, but I receive a 405 error on the /admin/register-admin endpoint
I have generated a brand new strapi project using
npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project --quickstart
I have added /strapi-v4
to my config/server.js, as I would like to prefix all my endpoints with this.
server.js file
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env('HOST', ''),
port: env.int('PORT', 1337),
app: {
keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
url: '/strapi-v4',
webhooks: {
populateRelations: env.bool('WEBHOOKS_POPULATE_RELATIONS', false),
when I run strapi for the first time with yarn start
and try create an admin user, I receive a 405 error
why is this?
That's not a strapi issue. url
aren't supposed to work like that:
Public url of the server. Required for many different features (ex: reset password, third login providers etc.). Also enables proxy support such as Apache or Nginx, example: https://mywebsite.com/api. The url can be relative, if so, it is used with http://${host}:${port} as the base url. An absolute url is however recommended.
It needs an absolute url
and reason for that it should reflect reverse proxy configuration for stuff like redirects
e.g. https://example.com/strapi
in there will result https://example.com/strapi/api
You would not be able to resolve above to https://example.com/api
, you can check yarn strapi routes:list
to see amount of routes you gonna need to resolve.