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Create a Histogram based on the date range

I am new to Data Science and Python.

I have a Data Set with date range Starting: "2020-03-15" and Ending: "2022-02-23". On each date there are multiple activities.

I am looking forward to create a Histogram to display the number of activities in the y-axis. On the x-axis I want to distribute the date range in quarterly bin (buckets).


y-axis = Number of counter

x-axis = Q1-2020 (2020-03-15 to 2020-03-31), Q2-2020 (2020-04-01 to 2020-06-30), ... END enter image description here

If there is a better solution then please direct or guide. Can any body please help or guide me here.


  • I was able to create a solution as below:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter
    ax = df.hist(column='COLUMN_NAME', bins=25, grid=False, figsize=(12,8), color='#274490', zorder=2, rwidth=0.9)
    ax = ax[0]
    for x in ax:
        # Despine
        # Switch off ticks
        x.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", bottom="off", top="off", labelbottom="on", left="off", right="off", labelleft="on")
        # Draw horizontal axis lines
        vals = x.get_yticks()
        for tick in vals:
            x.axhline(y=tick, linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.4, color='#eeeeee', zorder=1)
        # Remove title
        # Set x-axis label
        x.set_xlabel("Distribution", labelpad=20, weight='bold', size=12)
        # Set y-axis label
        x.set_ylabel("Observations", labelpad=20, weight='bold', size=12)
        # Format y-axis label