How to add a serializer for @Contextual
annotated types in Kotlin Coroutine Driver?
I have code as follows:
data class D(@Contextual val d: LocalDate)
fun main() {
val d = D(
val json = Json {
serializersModule += SerializersModule {
println(json.encodeToString(d)) // {"d":"2024-04-09"}
val client = MongoClient.create(url)
val test = client.getDatabase("web-im")
runBlocking {
test.insertOne(d) // Error
And I got error:
Exception in thread "main" kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'LocalDate' is not found.
Please ensure that class is marked as '@Serializable' and that the serialization compiler plugin is applied.
Can I add my LocalDateSerializer
to serializersModule
that the MongoDB uses?
I found it, use KotlinSerializerCodecProvider
data class D(@Contextual val d: LocalDate)
fun main() {
val d = D(
val client = MongoClient.create(url)
val kotlinProvider = KotlinSerializerCodecProvider(
SerializersModule { contextual(LocalDateSerializer) }
val test = client.getDatabase("web-im")
runBlocking {