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Specifying "any subclass" in a C# type constraint rather than "one particular subclass"

If I would like to write a method that takes a variable number of "TDerived" where TDerived is any subclass of a class "Base", is there any way to do this?

The following code only works with a single specific specified subclass:

void doStuff<TDerived>(params TDerived[] args) where TDerived : Base

ie if I have

class Super { }
class Sub0 : Super { }
class Sub1 : Super { }

then I cannot do

Sub0 s0 = new Sub0();
Sub1 s1 = new Sub1();
doStuff(s0, s1);

since I get "best overloaded match... has some invalid arguments".

Regardless of how the compiler handles the type constraints and variadic functions, this seems (as far as I can tell) completely type-safe. I know I could cast, but if this is type safe why not allow it?


Perhaps a more convincing example:

void doStuff<TDerived>(params SomeReadOnlyCollection<TDerived>[] args) where TDerived : Base
    foreach(var list in args)
        foreach(TDerived thing in list)


  • TDerived needs to be able to resolve to a single type. In your example, the only type it could resolve to would be Super, but the compiler is not going to make that leap. You can make that leap for the compiler.

    doStuff(new Super[] { s0, s1 });
    doStuff<Super>(s0, s1);

    Regarding your update, consider (instead of a generic method) defining a method accepting IEnumerable<ISuper>, which will support derived types because IEnumerable<T> is covariant (as of .NET 4). IEnumerable<T> is also inherently readonly and forward-only, perfect if you have a foreach loop. Full working example:

    class Program
        static void Main()
            var sub0s = new Sub0[] { new Sub0() };
            var sub1s = new List<Sub1> { new Sub1() };
            doStuff(sub0s, sub1s);
        static void doStuff(params IEnumerable<ISuper>[] args)
            foreach (var sequence in args)
                foreach (var obj in sequence)
                    // you have the ability to invoke any method or access 
                    // any property defined on ISuper
    interface ISuper { }
    class Super : ISuper { }
    class Sub0 : Super { }
    class Sub1 : Super { }  

    IEnumerable<T> is implemented by BCL collections since .NET 2.0, including T[], List<T>, ReadOnlyCollection<T>, HashSet<T>, etc.