I need to expand/collapse my cell in my tests automation which relies on accessibilityIdentifier
field in UIView
This is how I set my accessory to the cell:
func headerCellRegistartion(
) -> UICollectionView.CellRegistration<MyCollectionViewListCell, MyStruct> {
UICollectionView.CellRegistration<MyCollectionViewListCell, MyStruct>(
cellNib: MyCollectionViewListCell.nib(MyCollectionViewListCell.self)
) { cell, indexPath, headerItem in
let headerDisclosureOption = UICellAccessory.OutlineDisclosureOptions(
style: .header,
tintColor: .systemGray)
cell.accessories = [
.outlineDisclosure(displayed: .whenNotEditing, options: headerDisclosureOption),
is a subclass of UICollectionViewListCell
doesn't have any options to configure such fields. What are my options in this case?
The solution is to subclass the UICollectionViewListCell
and override the didAddSubview
method like so:
override func didAddSubview(_ subview: UIView) {
if subview.className().hasSuffix("Disclosure") {
subview.accessibilityIdentifier = "myIdentifier"