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How to solve "'arg' must be NULL or a character vector" error in ode function of deSolve package

I am trying to create an epidemiological SEIR model and simulate the model compartments over time. More specifically, the code below code defines a function called Metapopulation_SEIR. This function represents a compartmental model known as the Metapopulation SEIR model, which is commonly used in epidemiology to simulate the spread of infectious diseases in multiple interconnected populations.See the code:


# Metapopulation SEIR model function
Metapopulation_SEIR <- function(time, current_state, params, connectivity_matrix){
  with(as.list(c(current_state, params)),{
    # Calculate total population size in each subpopulation
    N <- apply(current_state, 1, sum)
    # Initialize rate of change vectors
    dS <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dE <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dI <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dR <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dM <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    # Loop through each subpopulation
    for (i in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
      # Calculate total number of individuals in subpopulation i
      Ni <- N[i]
      # Calculate rates of change for each compartment in subpopulation i
      dSi <- -beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni
      dEi <- (beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni) - sigma * E[i]
      dIi <- sigma * E[i] - gamma * I[i] - mu * I[i]
      dRi <- gamma * I[i]
      dMi <- mu * I[i]
      # Update rate of change vectors
      dS[i] <- dSi
      dE[i] <- dEi
      dI[i] <- dIi
      dR[i] <- dRi
      dM[i] <- dMi
      # Calculate movement of individuals between subpopulations
      for (j in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
        dS[i] <- dS[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (beta * S[j] * I[j] / Ni)
        dE[i] <- dE[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (sigma * E[j])
        dI[i] <- dI[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * I[j])
        dR[i] <- dR[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * R[j])
        dM[i] <- dM[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (mu * I[j])
    # Return a list of rates of change for each compartment
    return(list(c(dS, dE, dI, dR, dM)))

# Example inputs
# Number of subpopulations
num_subpopulations <- 3

# Initial compartment counts for each subpopulation
initial_state <- matrix(c(
  S1 = 900, E1 = 10, I1 = 5, R1 = 85,
  S2 = 950, E2 = 5,  I2 = 2, R2 = 43,
  S3 = 850, E3 = 15, I3 = 7, R3 = 100
), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

# Parameters
params <- c(beta = 0.5, sigma = 0.25, gamma = 0.2, mu = 0.001)

# Connectivity matrix (specifies the movement of individuals between subpopulations)
# Example: Fully connected network where individuals can move between all subpopulations
connectivity_matrix <- matrix(0.1, nrow = num_subpopulations, ncol = num_subpopulations)
diag(connectivity_matrix) <- 1  # Individuals stay within their own subpopulation

# Time points
times <- seq(0, 365, by = 1)

# Solve the model
model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, connectivity_matrix)

Which give the following error in the last line:

Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector

I tried to name the argument as follows:

model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, parms=params, connectivity_matrix)

But still getting the same error.


  • The code contained several mistakes:

    • extra names in the ode call must be named
    • initial_state must be passed as matrix
    • names of a matrix cannot easily be unpacked with with
    • number of initial states must be equal to the number of derivatives

    A further issue is, that it is not necessary to use loops. R is a vectorized language, so that states can directly be formulated in matrix form, which makes the code more compact and much faster.

    Below an intermediate version of the code, solving only the errors, but still contains loops.

    However, I would also strongly recommend to re-formulate the model in matrix form. An example can be found here: This code contains essentially two versions of the state equations, one outcommented version with separate equations and one that uses matrix multiplication.

    # Metapopulation SEIR model function
    Metapopulation_SEIR <- function(time, current_state, params, connectivity_matrix, n_sub){
      # tp: access to names in state **matrix** not possible with "with",
      #     this works only for vectors like 'parms'
      #with(as.list(c(current_state, params)),{
        # tp: reformat state vector as matrix
        dim(current_state) <- c(n_sub, 5)
        # tp: extract states
        S <- current_state[,1]
        E <- current_state[,2]
        I <- current_state[,3]
        R <- current_state[,4]
        M <- current_state[,5]
        # Calculate total population size in each subpopulation
        N <- apply(current_state, 1, sum)
        # Initialize rate of change vectors
        dS <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
        dE <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
        dI <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
        dR <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
        dM <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
        # tp: loop is not necessary, R is a vectorized language
        # Loop through each subpopulation
        for (i in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
          # Calculate total number of individuals in subpopulation i
          Ni <- N[i]
          # Calculate rates of change for each compartment in subpopulation i
          dSi <- -beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni
          dEi <- (beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni) - sigma * E[i]
          dIi <- sigma * E[i] - gamma * I[i] - mu * I[i]
          dRi <- gamma * I[i]
          dMi <- mu * I[i]
          # Update rate of change vectors
          dS[i] <- dSi
          dE[i] <- dEi
          dI[i] <- dIi
          dR[i] <- dRi
          dM[i] <- dMi
          # Calculate movement of individuals between subpopulations
          for (j in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
            dS[i] <- dS[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (beta * S[j] * I[j] / Ni)
            dE[i] <- dE[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (sigma * E[j])
            dI[i] <- dI[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * I[j])
            dR[i] <- dR[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * R[j])
            dM[i] <- dM[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (mu * I[j])
        # Return a list of rates of change for each compartment
        return(list(c(dS, dE, dI, dR, dM)))
    # Example inputs
    # Number of subpopulations
    num_subpopulations <- 3
    # Initial compartment counts for each subpopulation
    # tp: add 5th column for M states
    initial_state <- matrix(c(
      S1 = 900, E1 = 10, I1 = 5, R1 = 85, M1=0,
      S2 = 950, E2 = 5,  I2 = 2, R2 = 43, M2=0,
      S3 = 850, E3 = 15, I3 = 7, R3 = 100, M3=0
    ), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
    # tp: reformat initial_state into vector
    initial_state <- as.vector(initial_state)
    # Parameters
    params <- c(beta = 0.5, sigma = 0.25, gamma = 0.2, mu = 0.001)
    # Connectivity matrix (specifies the movement of individuals between subpopulations)
    # Example: Fully connected network where individuals can move between all subpopulations
    connectivity_matrix <- matrix(0.1, nrow = num_subpopulations, ncol = num_subpopulations)
    diag(connectivity_matrix) <- 1  # Individuals stay within their own subpopulation
    # Time points
    times <- seq(0, 365, by = 1)
    # Solve the model
    # tp: add n_sub argument
    model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, "lsoda", 
                 connectivity_matrix = connectivity_matrix, n_sub=num_subpopulations)
    # tp: alternative: works too, but extra arguments must always be named
    model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, 
                 connectivity_matrix = connectivity_matrix, n_sub=num_subpopulations)