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How to share a global function between .m file and .mm file (obj c and obj c++) with common header file?


 @function  GetInputSizeFromUsage
 @abstract  return frame width and height from usage
 @param     usage   PPVEUsage to be inqure
 @param     width   (out) the input width for usage
 @param     height  (out) the input height for usage
void GetInputSizeFromUsage(PPVEUsage usage, size_t *width, size_t *height);


#import <abc.h>
void GetInputSizeFromUsage(PPVEUsage usage, size_t *width, size_t *height)
    switch(usage) {
        case UsageLandscape848x480:
            *width = 848;
            *height = 480;

            *width = 0;
            *height = 0;


// This file uses this above function in various other functions and is fine to compile

#import <abc.h>

size_t GetInputSizeFromUsage(PPVEUsage usage)
    size_t width, height;
    GetInputSizeFromUsage(usage, &width, &height);
    return (width * height);

Error: Undefined symbol: GetInputSizeFromUsage(PPVEUsage, unsigned long*, unsigned long*)

The error is due to not being able to see the symbol. If I comment it out in it compiles fine.

Expecting it to be able to see the symbols


  • Objective-C++ is superset of C++ language and all rules of C++ apply here. I.e. when declaring a function you have to deal with so-called name mangling, which alters the function signature in a way that the compiler won't be able to locate it in a Objective-C/C compilation unit. For such scenarios you are supposed to tell the linker to apply C rules when including this header in a C++ compilation unit by employing extern "C" section:

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    void GetInputSizeFromUsage(PPVEUsage usage, size_t *width, size_t *height);
    #ifdef __cplusplus