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recaptcha__en.js: Uncaught TypeError: qF is not a function

I am recently facing problem with reCAPTCHA Enterprise. On every form where it is implemented i get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: qF is not a function
    at recaptcha__en.js:601:176
    at Array.<anonymous> (recaptcha__en.js:68:221)
    at recaptcha__en.js:599:379
    at recaptcha__en.js:1034:261

There were no code or database changes, it is Magento environment with Hyva theme.

Tried going back with codebase and backuped database and error still exist.


  • I just had the same issue and for me the answer was the same as this question.

    Basically, my knockout code had self = this; in the initialisation. Making this var self = this; fixes it.

    I suspect Google must have released an update which means using self as a global variable is causing conflicts.

    I'd perhaps search any non-core form extensions for the term self = this; to see if that is also the case for you.