So, I am trying to create a mini chess simulator for a project. In the project, I decided to use a 3D array to represent the chess board, with the dimensions representing X, Y, and Piece Data.
My problem is that the system refuses to edit the passed array within the "playerMove" function. So, I think it is a variable scope issue. I don't know how to apply the solutions to 3D arrays though.
Sorry for the huge block of code.
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 //this is because my pc normally forces scanf_s and similar "safe" functions instead of the simple ones
//includes stuff
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define chessBoardSize 8
#define chessDataSize 2
//predefinitions and global variables
void setupNewBoard(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char setupOrganization);
void printBoard(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char highlightColor, char highlightPiece);
int printBoardSpecific(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char highlightColor, char highlightPiece, int xCoord, int yCoord);
int printBoardLegalMoves (char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char pieceType, int xCoord, int yCoord, int endXCoord, int endYCoord);
void playerMove(char playBoard[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char playTurnColor);
//Main function
int main()
char chessSquare[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][2]; //create chess board for pieces
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
chessSquare[xCounter][yCounter][0] = '_';
chessSquare[xCounter][yCounter][1] = 'f';
setupNewBoard(chessSquare, 'b');
printBoard(chessSquare, 'x', 'x');//prints a board with no highlighted pieces to start the game
playerMove(chessSquare, 'R');
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
printf("%c", chessSquare[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
//printBoard(chessSquare, 'x', 'x');
return 0;
//setup the board funciton defenition
void setupNewBoard(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char setupOrganization) {
if (setupOrganization == 'b') {
//blue rook, left side
board[0][0][0] = 'R';
board[0][0][1] = 'B';
//blue knight, left side
board[1][0][0] = 'N';
board[1][0][1] = 'B';
//blue bishop, left side
board[2][0][0] = 'B';
board[2][0][1] = 'B';
//blue queen
board[3][0][0] = 'Q';
board[3][0][1] = 'B';
//blue king
board[4][0][0] = 'K';
board[4][0][1] = 'B';
//blue bishop, right side
board[5][0][0] = 'B';
board[5][0][1] = 'B';
//blue knight, right side
board[6][0][0] = 'N';
board[6][0][1] = 'B';
//blue rook, right side
board[7][0][0] = 'R';
board[7][0][1] = 'B';
//blue pawns
for (int counter = 0; counter < chessBoardSize; counter++) {
board[counter][1][0] = 'P';
board[counter][1][1] = 'B';
//red rook, left side
board[0][7][0] = 'R';
board[0][7][1] = 'R';
//red knight, left side
board[1][7][0] = 'N';
board[1][7][1] = 'R';
//red bishop, left side
board[2][7][0] = 'B';
board[2][7][1] = 'R';
//red queen
board[3][7][0] = 'Q';
board[3][7][1] = 'R';
//red king
board[4][7][0] = 'K';
board[4][7][1] = 'R';
//red bishop, right side
board[5][7][0] = 'B';
board[5][7][1] = 'R';
//red knight, right side
board[6][7][0] = 'N';
board[6][7][1] = 'R';
//red rook, right side
board[7][7][0] = 'R';
board[7][7][1] = 'R';
//blue pawns
for (int counter = 0; counter < chessBoardSize; counter++) {
board[counter][6][0] = 'P';
board[counter][6][1] = 'R';
//print the board function defenition
void printBoard(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char highlightColor, char highlightPiece) {
printf(" 01234567\n");
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
printf("%d", yCounter);
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
if ((xCounter + yCounter) % 2 == 1) {
char currentPiece = board[xCounter][yCounter][0];
char currentColor = board[xCounter][yCounter][1];
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor)) {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[31m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor)) {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
char currentPiece = board[xCounter][yCounter][0];
char currentColor = board[xCounter][yCounter][1];
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor)) {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[31m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor)) {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
//print the board with a specific piece selected
int printBoardSpecific(char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char highlightColor, char highlightPiece, int xCoord, int yCoord) {
int connect = 0;
printf(" 01234567\n");
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
printf("%d", yCounter);
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
if ((xCounter + yCounter) % 2 == 1) {
char currentPiece = board[xCounter][yCounter][0];
char currentColor = board[xCounter][yCounter][1];
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor) && (xCoord == xCounter) && (yCoord == yCounter)) {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
connect = 1;
else {
printf("\033[31m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor) && (xCoord == xCounter) && (yCoord == yCounter)) {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
connect = 1;
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
char currentPiece = board[xCounter][yCounter][0];
char currentColor = board[xCounter][yCounter][1];
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor) && (xCoord == xCounter) && (yCoord == yCounter)) {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
connect = 1;
else {
printf("\033[31m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
if ((currentPiece == highlightPiece) && (currentColor == highlightColor) && (xCoord == xCounter) && (yCoord == yCounter)) {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
connect = 1;
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
return connect;
//print the board with legal moves displayed
int printBoardLegalMoves (char board[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char pieceType, int xCoord, int yCoord, int endXCoord, int endYCoord) {
int connect = 0;
char legalMovesChart[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize];
//resets the legal moves for new call
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
legalMovesChart[xCounter][yCounter] = 0;
//decides correct "legal" moves based on piece type and environment
switch (pieceType){
case 'P':
if (board[xCoord][yCoord][1] == 'B') {
//move forward one space if not occupied
if (board[xCoord][(yCoord + 1)][0] == '_') {
legalMovesChart[xCoord][(yCoord + 1)] = 1;
if ((xCoord > 0) && (board[(xCoord - 1)][(yCoord + 1)][1] == 'R')) {
legalMovesChart[(xCoord - 1)][(yCoord + 1)] = 1;
if ((xCoord < 7) && (board[(xCoord + 1)][(yCoord + 1)][1] == 'R')) {
legalMovesChart[(xCoord + 1)][(yCoord + 1)] = 1;
if ((yCoord == 6) && (board[xCoord][(yCoord + 1)][0] == '_') && board[xCoord][(yCoord + 2)][0] == '_') {
legalMovesChart[xCoord][(yCoord + 2)] = 1;
else if(board[xCoord][yCoord][1] == 'R') {
//move forward one space if not occupied
if (board[xCoord][(yCoord - 1)][0] == '_') {
legalMovesChart[xCoord][(yCoord - 1)] = 1;
if ((xCoord > 0) && (board[(xCoord - 1)][(yCoord - 1)][1] == 'B')) {
legalMovesChart[(xCoord - 1)][(yCoord - 1)] = 1;
if ((xCoord < 7) && (board[(xCoord + 1)][(yCoord - 1)][1] == 'B')) {
legalMovesChart[(xCoord + 1)][(yCoord - 1)] = 1;
if ((yCoord == 6) && (board[xCoord][(yCoord - 1)][0] == '_') && board[xCoord][(yCoord - 2)][0] == '_') {
legalMovesChart[xCoord][(yCoord - 2)] = 1;
printf("not a pawn");
printf(" 01234567\n");
for (int yCounter = 0; yCounter < chessBoardSize; yCounter++) {
printf("%d", yCounter);
for (int xCounter = 0; xCounter < chessBoardSize; xCounter++) {
if ((xCounter + yCounter) % 2 == 1) {
if ((xCounter == xCoord) && (yCounter == yCoord)) {
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (legalMovesChart[xCounter][yCounter]) { //ALL LEGAL MOVES
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[42m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[42m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else { //everything else
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
printf("\033[34m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[107m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
if ((xCounter == xCoord) && (yCounter == yCoord)) {
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[43m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (legalMovesChart[xCounter][yCounter]) { //ALL LEGAL MOVES
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[42m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[34m\033[42m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else { //everything else
if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'R') {
printf("\033[31m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else if (board[xCounter][yCounter][1] == 'B') {
printf("\033[34m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
else {
printf("\033[30m\033[100m%c\033[0m", board[xCounter][yCounter][0]);
if (legalMovesChart[endXCoord][endYCoord] == 1) {
connect = 1;
else {
connect = 0;
return connect;
//playerMove funciton defenition
void playerMove (char playBoard[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize][chessDataSize], char playTurnColor) {
char startP; //type of piece
int startCX; //x coordinate of piece
int startCY; //y coordinate of piece
int endCX; //end x coordinate
int endCY; //end y coordinate
int itemLocatedBool = 0;
int endLocatedBool = 0;
startP = getche();
printBoard(playBoard, playTurnColor, startP);
while (itemLocatedBool != 1) {
startCX = getche();
startCY = getche();
itemLocatedBool = printBoardSpecific(playBoard, playTurnColor, startP, (startCX - '0'), (startCY - '0'));
printBoardLegalMoves(playBoard, startP, (startCX - '0'), (startCY - '0'), 0, 0);
while (endLocatedBool != 1) {
endCX = getche();
endCY = getche();
endLocatedBool = printBoardLegalMoves(playBoard, startP, (startCX - '0'), (startCY - '0'), (endCX - '0'), (endCY - '0'));
playBoard[startCX][startCY][0] = '_';
playBoard[startCX][startCY][1] = 'f';
playBoard[endCX][endCY][0] = startP;
playBoard[endCX][endCY][1] = playTurnColor;
//printf("\n%c,%c", startP, playTurnColor);
//printf("::%c,%c\n", playBoard[endCX][endCY][0], playBoard[endCX][endCY][1]);
//swap turns
if (playTurnColor == 'B') {
playTurnColor = 'R';
else {
playTurnColor = 'B';
//green: 42 (this is for legal moves)
I am trying to get the "playerMove" function to edit the array "chessSquare" from main. I tried changing the calls and definitions to pointers, but it returns an error about illegal memory access violation.
I may just be misunderstanding how pointers and arrays work, but after looking through multiple tutorials, I couldn't solve the issue.
I found my own problem. The access violation was caused by an improper translation. I forgot to translate the characters 0-8 into their actual decimal form, and was trying to write to their ASCI number of the array instead of their decimal number.
playBoard[startCX][startCY][0] = '_';
playBoard[(startCX][startCY][1] = 'f';
playBoard[endCX][endCY][0] = startP;
playBoard[endCX][endCY][1] = playTurnColor;
To this:
playBoard[(startCX - '0')][(startCY - '0')][0] = '_';
playBoard[(startCX - '0')][(startCY - '0')][1] = 'f';
playBoard[(endCX - '0')][(endCY - '0')][0] = startP;
playBoard[(endCX - '0')][(endCY - '0')][1] = playTurnColor;