I am attempting to create a new post for my website. For some reason, all that shows up on the live index page is the date. In addition, if I try to access the post itself, I get a 404 notice. For context, I did not code my website myself; I had two web builders who then taught me how to make minor edits/updates via VSCode & Git Bash. Any help is appreciated!
post is not showing on index page; only the date and it has a broken post link
For the config.yml, I 1) added
timezone: America/New_York,
as I thought perhaps it was an issue where the website couldn't count past 2020; which makes no sense as it clearly shows the date, but no link, title, or image; 2) then I changed
paginate_path: /blog/:num/
as that was the only discrepancy I noticed between my code to Jekyll's. No change.
Then, I just kept renaming blog posts and making sure my markdown code had no typos to no avail. The only change is that if I duplicate a post that already is published, it will show up! But any modified post does not.
I did not change index.html or any post or pagination css, as I could not find anything that would suggest an issue.
The problem is in this markdown file with YAML metadatablock (notice the red Error in user YAML
that GitHub displays), specifically this line:
title: 'I'm Published!'
Notice that there are three single quotes on that line? That's not valid YAML.
Either use double quotes:
title: "I'm Published!"
or omit the quotes entirely:
title: I'm Published!