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MudBlazor MudCheckBox clears the value of MudTextField at click on it

I have a MudCheckBox and a MudTextField on my form. When I fill the value of MudTextField in first and than I click on the MudCheckBox the value of the MudTextField is cleared. In reverse order, this is not true. How can I preserve the value of the MudTextField, please?


  • You have to change the value of the variable. For now only the Text value of the Textfield has been changed, but not the variable itself. Clicking a checkbox causes the component to rerender and write the unchanged variable to the textfield.

    Either use @bind-Text (or @bind-Value) or the EventCallback TextChanged (ValueChanged).

    <MudTextField T="string" Label="Note" Variant="Variant.Text" @bind-Text="@Note" Lines="2" AutoGrow MaxLines="4" />
    <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="@Basic_CheckBox1"></MudCheckBox>

    mud snippet