I have multiple implementations of RL algorithms, from which I am trying to extract parameters, their data type and value.
However, these implementations differ from script to script, sometimes the params are defined like this:
parser.add_argument("--env-id", type=str, default="pong_v3",
help="the id of the environment") \\
parser.add_argument("--total-timesteps", type=int, default=20000000,
help="total timesteps of the experiments")
parser.add_argument("--learning-rate", type=float, default=2.5e-4,
help="the learning rate of the optimizer")
and also like this:
class MAA2C(Agent):
def __init__(self, env, n_agents, state_dim, action_dim,
memory_capacity=10000, max_steps=None,
reward_gamma=0.99, reward_scale=1., done_penalty=None,
actor_hidden_size=32, critic_hidden_size=32,
use_cuda=True, training_strategy="cocurrent",
actor_parameter_sharing=False, critic_parameter_sharing=False):
I am bit lost in how to integrate extraction from all such formats, right now I define my parameters in a text file, and the extraction is based on the current format:
env_id: str = "CartPole-v1"
total_timesteps: int = 500000
learning_rate: float = 2.5e-4
num_envs: int = 4
num_steps: int = 128
anneal_lr: bool = True
This is my current code as of now:
import ast
import sys
from tabulate import tabulate
def extract_parameters_with_values_from_file(file_path: str) -> dict:
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
source_code = file.read()
parameter_values = {}
tree = ast.parse(source_code)
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if isinstance(node, ast.AnnAssign):
parameter_name = node.target.id
if isinstance(node.annotation, ast.Name):
data_type = node.annotation.id
data_type = str(ast.dump(node.annotation))
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and node.value.func.id == 'int':
parameter_value = node.value.args[0].n
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Constant):
parameter_value = node.value.value
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.NameConstant):
parameter_value = node.value.value
parameter_value = ast.literal_eval(node.value)
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
parameter_value = ast.dump(node.value)
parameter_values[parameter_name] = (data_type, parameter_value)
return parameter_values
def read_parameters_from_txt(file_path: str) -> list:
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
parameters = file.read().splitlines()
return parameters
def extract_parameters_with_values(parameter_names: list, python_file_path: str) -> list:
parameter_values = extract_parameters_with_values_from_file(python_file_path)
extracted_parameters = []
for parameter_name in parameter_names:
if parameter_name in parameter_values:
data_type, value = parameter_values[parameter_name]
extracted_parameters.append([parameter_name, data_type, value])
return extracted_parameters
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
parameter_txt_path = sys.argv[1]
python_file_path = sys.argv[2]
parameter_names = read_parameters_from_txt(parameter_txt_path)
extracted_parameters = extract_parameters_with_values(parameter_names, python_file_path)
if not extracted_parameters:
print("No parameters found in the source code")
print(tabulate(extracted_parameters, headers=['Parameter', 'Data Type', 'Value'], tablefmt="github"))
These are examples of the file whose formats I need to include: Code1, Code2.
My params.txt
file looks like this:
I am a bit stuck on this and any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Please take a look at the Adapter
design pattern. Basically you have multiple entry points from which data is retrieved. Every entry point has a different form of data. So the data of every data point should first be converted to a consistent structure (pre-processing). From there you can convert it to the desired output.
Refactoring Guru Adapter Design Pattern
Create an adapter for the user input from the terminal and one for class parameters. You can derive the signature from a class constructor. Please check the link below for more information.
I would advice against using a text file for reading the parameters. You might get it to work, but if parameters get adjusted in the code when libraries get updated your code will break and you have to update the text file manually every time. This is not sustainable. Try to obtain the parameters dynamically (automated).
Good luck!