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SSRS Keep grouping but merge data values

I have an SSRS report that contains 4 columns: Customer, Postcode, Date and Value. Customer, Postcode and Date are my groups and Value is my data.

I want to end up with something that looks like the image below:

See example here

e.g. Customer A ordered £50 on 01/01/2024, £30 on 02/01/2024 and £20 on 03/04/2024, so has a total of £100. This is what I want to show, not the individual £50, £30, and £20.

I know how to get Customer and Postcode to appear every row (rather than merged because of the grouping), however I'm not sure how (or even if there's a way) to merge the overall value for Customer. Any help is appreciated :)


  • As you only need grouping at one end of the tablix then you can do this. It's not very intuitive but it's simple.

    Create a table and add Date, PostCode and Customer in that order. Then add a parent group that groups by customer. This will add a group column at the start with the customer field already in place, change this to use the value column (so the expression will be =SUM(Fields!Value.Value) and adjust the header accordingly.

    Finally, on the tablix properties, chenge the LayoutDirection property from LTR to RTL.

    Here's a quick GIF to show you how I did it. (open in new tab to see it larger if required)

    enter image description here