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SwiftUI Image with contentMode .fill overlapping views

Consider this simple CardView in SwiftUI:

struct CardView: View {
    let cardNumber: Int
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
                .frame(height: 100)


            Text("Card: \(cardNumber.description)")

            Button("Test") { print("Tapped") }
        .frame(height: 260)

Single CardView

The VStack is set to height 260 and the Image is set to height 100 and with the content model .fill. I understand that we need to set .clipped() to prevent the image from extend beyond the view's bounds.

If I render this view alone, everything works fine i.e. tap the button and print "Tapped".

However, if I'd render multiple CardView, for example put this CardView inside a VStack or ScrollView. The clipped image will start overlapping and the Test button will no-longer work.

From the UI debugger I can see it render as below inside the VStack. CardView inside a VStack

Could someone please explain why this is happening and how to fix it?


  • I realized that .clipped family will not prevent the Image itself from tap action, you need to add .contentShape, which makes the Image not overwhelm the surrounding context:

        .contentShape(Rectangle()) //<- here