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Prestashop module open headless page

In my modules config page (backoffice) I want to open Smarty template file, but it should load just tpl content (no Prestashop header, menu etc).

class MyModule extends Module

  public function getContent()
    if (Tools::getValue('customAction') === 'displayMyPage') 
       return $this->displayMyPage();

    $url = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', true, 
    array('configure' => $this->name, 'customAction' => 'displayMyPage'));

    return '<a href="'.$url.'" class="btn btn-danger">Open MyPage</a>';

  public function displayMyPage() 
    $templateURI = __DIR__.'/views/templates/admin/myPage.tpl';
    $output = $this->context->smarty->fetch($templateURI);


I tried $this->content_only = true but no luck.


  • Bit medieval solution but works:

        class MyModule extends Module
          public function displayMyPage() 
            $templateURI = __DIR__.'/views/templates/admin/myPage.tpl';
            $output = $this->context->smarty->fetch($templateURI);
            // solution: echo and exit
            echo $output;