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Larastan doesn't resolve aliase of facades

I'm using larastan on a Laravel project.
When I use a facade like \Auth::check() like code below, larastan can't resolve the return type of this method.

function index()
  if(\Auth::check()) { // as mixed
    // ...

I know it's resolved by adding a use operator with Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; and using Auth::check() instead.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

function index()
  if(Auth::check()) { // as bool
    // ...

Is it not recommended to use alias of facades with larastan?
Let me know the best practice if there are some way to use facade alias with larastan.

PHP: 8.1
larastan: 2.9.2


  • This is solved by myself using laravel-ide-helper.

    Install it and run a command below, _ide_helper.php is generated and it solves facade definitions correctly.

    php artisan ide-helper:generate