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XML to console using StringWriter expanding variables rather than writing strings literally

I have been using this function to dump XML to the console for review as I work on code to do some extensive XML manipulation, and for the most part it works as expected.

function Write-PxXmlToConsole {
    param (
    if ($Xml -is [Xml.XmlDocument]) {
        $xmlDocument = $Xml
    } else {
        $xmlDocument = [Xml.XmlDocument]::new()
        $newElement = $xmlDocument.ImportNode($Xml, $True)

    $stringWriter = [System.IO.StringWriter]::new()
    $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlTextWriter]::new($stringWriter)
    $xmlWriter.Formatting = "indented"


    Write-Host $stringWriter.ToString()

However, it seems that somewhere in the [System.IO.StringWriter] variables are getting expanded. Because when my XML looks like this

$xml = [Xml]@"
Write-PxXmlToConsole $xml

I get <Pattern>Autodesk Revit 2019.Value</Pattern> as output because somewhere in this session the variable $key got populated. And if I start a new session I will get <Pattern>.Value</Pattern>. A bit of a pain, and I can't seem to find anything here that suggests a setting that would suppress this behavior.


  • Variables are getting expanded during creation of [Xml] with double quotes:

    $xml = [Xml]@"
    Write-Host $xml.Pattern
    Write-PxXmlToConsole $xml

    The output is different when single quotes are used:

    $xml = [Xml]@'
    Write-Host $xml.Pattern
    Write-PxXmlToConsole $xml