I wanted to delete single GSI from 4 GSIs I had in a project.
But the Amplify CLI toolkit only gave option to delete all GSIs. When I ran amplify update storage
, the CLI toolkit asked following option in the flow:
Do you want to keep existing global secondary indexes created on your table? (Y/n) · no
Selecting "No" to this option removes all the GSI at once. (And there is no option to select and remove single GSI in amplify cli version 12.10.3)
When I selected "no" to above option and tried to push the changes to server, I got following error:
🛑 The following resources failed to deploy:
Resource Name: DynamoDBTable (AWS::DynamoDB::Table)
Event Type: update
Reason: Resource handler returned message: "Cannot perform more than one GSI creation or deletion in a single update" (RequestToken: fcd558ca-1d24-4590-d3b1-d5f57c0cc17f, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)
I tried to find a way to remove only selected GSI, but I did not find any such option.
I managed to delete a single GSI by going into the amplify/backend/storage/<dynamodbresourcename>/cli-inputs.json
file, which had structure similar to the below:
"resourceName": "dbname",
"tableName": "dbnane",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"gsi": [
"name": "gs1",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "gs1pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "gs1sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"name": "gs2",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "gs2pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "gs2sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"name": "gs3",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "gs3pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "gs3sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"triggerFunctions": []
Then I simply removed the entry from gsi
array for the GSI that I wanted to remove. For example, if I wanted to remove gs3
, I removed that entry from gsi arrey, after which the json looked like following:
"resourceName": "dbname",
"tableName": "dbname",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"gsi": [
"name": "gs1",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "gs1pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "gs1sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"name": "gs2",
"partitionKey": {
"fieldName": "gs2pk",
"fieldType": "string"
"sortKey": {
"fieldName": "gs2sk",
"fieldType": "string"
"triggerFunctions": []
And then ran the command amplify push storage
I hope this helps someone.