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Migrate @Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.ClassType") to Spring Boot 3

I have the following code which I want to migrate to Spring Boot 3:

  @Column(name = "OPTION_TYPE")
  @Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.ClassType")
  private Class<T> clazz;

Example demo:

I get error:

Cannot resolve method 'type'

Do you know how I can migrate this code?


I tried to use:

@Column(name = "OPTION_TYPE")
private Class<T> clazz;

I get this error:

Caused by: jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: Unable to determine SQL type name for column 'option_type' of table 'account_options' because there is no type mapping for org.hibernate.type.SqlTypes code: 2000 (JAVA_OBJECT)
        at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.buildNativeEntityManagerFactory( ~[spring-orm-6.1.5.jar!/:6.1.5]
        at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet( ~[spring-orm-6.1.5.jar!/:6.1.5]
        at org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet( ~[spring-orm-6.1.5.jar!/:6.1.5]
        at ~[spring-beans-6.1.5.jar!/:6.1.5]
        at ~[spring-beans-6.1.5.jar!/:6.1.5]
        ... 92 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unable to determine SQL type name for column 'option_type' of table 'account_options' because there is no type mapping for org.hibernate.type.SqlTypes code: 2000 (JAVA_OBJECT)


  • Spring Boot 3 upgraded to Hibernate 6. with Hibernate 6 @Type annotation can be replaced with @JdbcTypeCode to make the code work.

    @Column(name = "OPTION_TYPE")
    private Class<T> clazz;

    Basic Test class

    public class EnumeratedAccountOptionTest {
     private EnumeratedAccountOption<ExampleEnum> option;
    public void setUp() {
        option = new EnumeratedAccountOption<>("Test Option", ExampleEnum.VALUE_ONE);
    public void testGetOptionValue() {
        assertEquals(ExampleEnum.VALUE_ONE, option.getOptionValue());
    public void testGetClazz() {
        assertEquals(ExampleEnum.class, option.getClazz());
    public void testSetClazz() {
        assertEquals(ExampleEnum.class, option.getClazz());
    private enum ExampleEnum {