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Cannot find remote pod service - SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I created a test project with Spring Cloud gateway and Spring microservice which are using implementation '':

I configured rotes into Spring Gateway file:

Both services are deployed into Kubernetes but request is not forwarded:

2024-04-02 13:21:55.817 TRACE 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.filter.RouteToRequestUrlFilter   : RouteToRequestUrlFilter start
2024-04-02 13:21:55.886 TRACE 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.filter.GatewayMetricsFilter      : tags: [tag(httpMethod=GET),tag(httpStatusCode=503),tag(outcome=SERVER_ERROR),tag(routeId=microservice_1),tag(routeUri=lb://microservice_1),tag(status=SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)]
2024-04-02 13:22:42.084 TRACE 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.f.WeightCalculatorWebFilter      : Weights attr: {}
2024-04-02 13:22:42.089 TRACE 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.h.p.PathRoutePredicateFactory    : Pattern "/api/microservice_1/dashboard/users" matches against value "/api/microservice_1/dashboard/users"
2024-04-02 13:22:42.095 DEBUG 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.h.RoutePredicateHandlerMapping   : Route matched: microservice_1
2024-04-02 13:22:42.096 DEBUG 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.h.RoutePredicateHandlerMapping   : Mapping [Exchange: GET] to Route{id='microservice_1', uri=lb://microservice_1, order=0, predicate=Paths: [/api/microservice_1/dashboard/users], match trailing slash: true, gatewayFilters=[[[RemoveRequestHeader name = 'Cookie'], order = 1], [[SpringCloudCircuitBreakerResilience4JFilterFactory name = 'microservice_1', fallback = [null]], order = 2], [[RewritePath /api/dashboard/users = '/dashboard/users'], order = 3]], metadata={}}
2024-04-02 13:22:42.096 DEBUG 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.h.RoutePredicateHandlerMapping   : [9b4aa35e-33] Mapped to
2024-04-02 13:22:42.097 DEBUG 1 --- [     parallel-1] o.s.c.g.handler.FilteringWebHandler      : Sorted gatewayFilterFactories: [[GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = -2147483648], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = -2147482648], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = -1], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 0], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 0], [[RemoveRequestHeader name = 'Cookie'], order = 1], [[SpringCloudCircuitBreakerResilience4JFilterFactory name = 'microservice_1', fallback = [null]], order = 2], [[RewritePath /api/dashboard/users = '/dashboard/users'], order = 3], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 10000], [GatewayFilterAdapter{$NoLoadBalancerClientFilter@3ae0b770}, order = 10150], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 2147483646], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 2147483647], [GatewayFilterAdapter{}, order = 2147483647]]

I suspect that microservice name is not resolved. Any idea what might be wrong?


  • Solution:

    Update and use latest Spring Boot 3.x.x with implementation ''