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"AlarmReceiverChangeImage" error message in PendingIntent statement inside a method

I'm trying to set up a PendingIntent inside a PreferenceActivity in a method but Eclipse displays a red underline error "AlarmReceiverChangeImage cannot be resolved to a variable". The error is on "AlarmReceiverChangeImage" which is the name of a BroadcastReceiver.

Can you tell me how to change the code so it will not give the error on "AlarmReceiverChangeImage"?

private void setRepeatingAlarm(int time_before_changing_wallpaper) {

     * Set up alarm manager and get it going.
    AlarmManager myAlarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);

    PendingIntent myIntent = PendingIntent
            .getBroadcast(SettingsActivity.this, 0,
                    AlarmReceiverChangeImage, 0);

            AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, START_TIME,
            time_before_changing_wallpaper, myIntent);

Update: After looking at the link provided by Kurtis I also found it will work if I made the following changes to the code.

Added this static final:

public class SettingsActivity extends PreferenceActivity implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {

protected static final Intent AlarmReceiverChangeImage = null;

SharedPreferences pref;

Changed the method to look like this:

private void setRepeatingAlarm(int time_before_changing_wallpaper, Intent AlarmReceiverChangeImage) {

Changed the call to the method to look like this:

                         * Set the default wallpaper changing time of 10
                         * seconds if it has not already been set.
                        String str_list_time_before_changing_wallpaper = pref

                        if (str_list_time_before_changing_wallpaper
                                .equals(null)) {

                             * Set the repeating alarms.
                            setRepeatingAlarm(EVERY_10_SECONDS, AlarmReceiverChangeImage);


  • Please look at the documetnation for the getBroadcast method. You'll notice the third argument is supposed to be an Intent, not a BroadcastReciever as you're trying to do. What you need to do is create and Intent and then put a IntentFilter on your BroadcastReciever in the manifest so that your BroadcastReciever receives the Intent when ever it's broadcast.