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How do I make it possible for the user to dismiss a numerical keyboard in SwiftUI?

I have a TextField with numerical input:

TextField("Amount", text: amountRaw).keyboardType(.numberPad)

The only way I see how to dismiss this field is to move focus into a non-numeric field and then hit enter on that field. This is not ideal.

Isn't there a way to enable a dismiss keyboard button or something?

I've found people suggesting solutions like implementing click-outside to dismiss keyboard, but that's not really what I want since I want click into other text fields to work.


  • Putting together the answer from @rob-mayoff, @user24018863, and I got a good solution:


    On the containing view, this is nice to have. And then:

    TextField("money", value: $saveTarget, formatter: NumberFormatter())
    .toolbar {
        ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard) {
            Button("Done") {
            UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)

    note that the .toolbar modification needs to be made on the top level view. If applied to many fields (like in a ForEach) you will get the toolbar button multiple times.