I have a html page where I looping on model fields.
Html is:
{% for problem in problems_list %}
{{ problem.id }} - {{ problem.incident_date }} - {{ problem.incident_specs }} -
{{ problem.incident_location }} - {{ problem.incident_reason }}
{% for action in actions_list %}
{% if action.action_incident_id_id == problem.id %}
<form method="post">
<input hidden name='problem_id' value="{{ problem.id }} ">
<a class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"
href="{% url 'ex_action' %}"> Button </a>
<!-- action="{% url 'ex_action' %}"-->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
And here is a ex_action function:
def ex_action(request):
return render(request, 'problems/ex_action.html', {'actions_list': actions_list})
It works well, but I need to pass a problem.id from for loop into ex_action, and I don't know how to do it.
I tried some constructions like href="{% url 'ex_action'?=problem_id=problem.id %}"
and get it by something like request.GET.get('problem_id')
or request.GET['problem_id'], but got TemplateSyntaxError on html, none as result on django code or MultiValueDictKeyError.
Read a lot of docs\issues, and find what people use ajax\js to solve it, but I don't know how.
Please help.
Thanks for Zatigem's answer above (and sorry, for what it took a long time - I tried to apply your answer, and forgot about it), we should use a construction like this: path('ex-action/int:problem_id', views.ex_action, name='ex_action'), passing the problem_id to the form. Thanks a lot again, Zatigem!