I'm using portal to import JSON file which contains key-value pairs. Need help in importing key-valult references.
I prepare a json file like
AppSettings: {
"testKey": "testValue",
"testSecrete": "<akv-Reference-TestSecreteKey>"
what should I add in place "akv-Reference-TestSecreteKey", so that when I import this file it add as key-vault reference.
While Import I choose:
I tried this
"AppSettings": {
"Test": "testValue",
"TestSceret": "@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=
But it added as key-value, with value same as @Microsoft.KeyVault(S...
Found the answer from my colleague, we need to separate our json file from regular keys, and key vault secrets.
key vault secret json will look like
"AppSettings": {
"testKey": "{\"uri"\: \"https://xyz.vault.azure.net/secrets/SecretValue/")"
And while importing there will be different contentType something like 'application/vnd.microsoft.appconfig.keyvaultref+json;charset=utf-8'
This will add key as keyvault reference.