I'd like to iteratively debug print a singly-linked list as it builds, but I can't find a legal way to borrow.
Am I coming at the problem in a way that's too object oriented? Do I need to abandon safe rust or use RefCell for something so simple?
fn main() {
let mut list = Some(Box::new(List { val: 0, next: None }));
let mut current = &mut list;
for i in 1..10 {
let next = Box::new(List { val: i, next: None });
current.as_mut().unwrap().next = Some(next);
current = &mut current.as_mut().unwrap().next;
// dbg!(list); Illegal!
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct List {
val: i32,
next: Option<Box<List>>,
This is certainly not possible without using smart pointers.
To accomplish this we must have:
Simple pointers don't work for #1 and #2 because the problem requires multiple references & mutation access to our list. The borrow checker is meant to prevent this.
can be used to allow multiple references, & Cell
can be used to allow mutation of the pointee.
With this in mind, my List
struct needs to look like this.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct List {
val: i32,
next: Option<Rc<Cell<List>>>,
// Cell does't implement `Debug` so a manual implementation is necessary
// Make sure you don't accidentally mutate the value in the `Cell`...
impl fmt::Debug for List {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut dbg = &mut f.debug_struct("List");
dbg = dbg.field("val", &self.val);
if let Some(next) = self.next.clone() {
let taken = next.take();
dbg = dbg.field("next", &taken);
} else {
dbg = dbg.field("next", &Option::<()>::None)
return dbg.finish();
& the code to iteratively build and print now looks like this.
use std::{
fn main() {
let list = List { val: 0, next: None };
let head = Rc::new(Cell::new(list));
let mut tail = head.clone();
for i in 1..10 {
// Create the new node
let next = Rc::new(Cell::new(List { val: i, next: None }));
// Add the new node to the node `tail` currently references
tail.set((|| {
let mut taken = tail.take();
taken.next = Some(next.clone());
return taken;
// Update `tail` to reference the node we just added
tail = next.clone();
// Print the whole list
head.set((|| {
let taken = head.take();
return taken;
We now get the desired output as the list is built.
[main.rs:25:13] &taken = List {
val: 0,
next: List {
val: 1,
next: None,
[main.rs:25:13] &taken = List {
val: 0,
next: List {
val: 1,
next: List {
val: 2,
next: None,