Using angular SSR howcome, I have to manually trigger a change detection if I use afterNextRender
This is after all an angular API.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
afterNextRender(() => {
this.someAPI.then((items) => {
this.items.set(items); // <-- set signal
this.ref.detectChanges(); // <--- trigger change detection
I do not want the API call to be made on the server side, that's why I use afterNextRender
callbacks run outside the angular zone.
In v17, if you want to a signal update to trigger CD, you need to do it in the angular zone.
afterNextRender(() => {
this.someAPI.then((items) => { => {
this.items.set(items); // <-- set signal
Note: In v18 Signals updates will trigger CD even when run outside the Angular zone