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Add organisation chart to Azure Active Directory token claims

I need to include organisational chart information to the token claims when they are issued by Azure Active Directory.

Assuming that my company has this organisation: enter image description here

For example, when i login as 'Roary Moody', i would like to receive in the token that 'Francis Jeffferson' is my CFO.

Are there any way to do this?


  • Usually, you can run below Microsoft Graph API call to get the details of user hierarchical to signed-in user in organization chart by expanding manager attribute:



    enter image description here

    Alternatively, you can create claim mapping policy by running below sample PowerShell script to get the same value in custom claim of token:

    #Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
    $policyDefinition = @{
        definition = '{
            "ClaimsMappingPolicy": {
                "Version": 1,
                "IncludeBasicClaimSet": true,
                "ClaimsSchema": [
                    {"Source": "user", "ID": "extensionattribute1", "SamlClaimType": "", "JwtClaimType": "manager"}
        displayName = "AddManager"
    $Policy = New-MgPolicyClaimMappingPolicy -BodyParameter $policyDefinition
    Get-MgPolicyClaimMappingPolicy -ClaimsMappingPolicyId $Policy.Id | fl


    enter image description here

    Now, assign this policy to the service principal from which you are generating the token with these commands:

    $servicePrincipalId = "spObjectId" 
    $policyId = "policyId" 
    $params = @{
        "" = "$policyId"
    New-MgServicePrincipalClaimMappingPolicyByRef -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalId -BodyParameter $params
    Get-MgServicePrincipalClaimMappingPolicy -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipalId | fl


    enter image description here

    Now, update manager claim value in user's properties by running these commands:

    $userId = "userId"
    $params = @{
        onPremisesExtensionAttributes = @{
            extensionAttribute1 = "ManagerName(jobTitle)"
    Update-MgUser -UserId $userId -BodyParameter $params


    enter image description here

    Make sure to enable below settings in app registration's Manifest:

    enter image description here

    Now, I exposed an API by adding custom scope in app registration like this:

    enter image description here

    In my case, I used Implicit flow to generate access token for which below options should be enabled:

    enter image description here

    When I ran below authorization URL in browser by signing in with updated user, I got token with manager claim successfully like this:

    enter image description here

    Reference: Fetching Organization Chart - API - Microsoft Q&A by CarlZhao-MSFT