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Angular Form with Checkboxes that Display Sections

Apologies on what might be an easy question but as a Product Manager trying to write Angular I'm hitting my head on the wall.

What I'm trying to create is an Angular form that has conditional sections. There's an initial checkbox: Should entry information be collected?

Based on this being checked it should open up the next section: Entry Categories

Within Entry Categories there are four options: Apple, Banana, Orange, Kiwi

If ANY of the four options in Entry Categories are selected it should open up the next section: Entry Details AND the entry details tied to that category should show the options.

All Entry Details are the same they have a checkbox for: Organic, GMO, Lego and an input with placeholder: Fruit Name

So if Apple is selected in Entry Categories it should open up Entry Details and display the following checkboxes: Organic, GMO, Lego; and a Fruit Name input.

I've been able to put a conditional from the first checkbox to the Entry Categories from here is where it gets dicey. My original attempt was a compilation of using formControlNames and every checkbox correlating with ngModel. It was also hyper complex. So then I made some massive changes to pull from an array in the ts file.

I'm running into the following issues:

  1. With all the options in the ts file how can I grab the last option and make it into an input?
  2. I have Contact as default being checked, but it's not actually being marked as checked, is there a way?
  3. Is there a way to keep the Entry Details at the top section and push the results into a separate section?

My original entry html and ts files: entry.component.html

 <div fxlayout="row" fxLayoutalign="start center" class="padded-bottom">
  <mat-checkbox id="requireEntryInformation" formControlName="requireEntryInformation" [(ngModel)]="showEntryProduct">Should entry information be collected?
 <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutalign="start center" id="entryProductCategorySection" *ngIf="showEntryProduct">
  <h2>Entry Categories</h2>
   <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="stretch">
     <div fxFlex="50" fxFlexOffset="10" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="baseline">
      <mat-checkbox id="apple_category" [(ngModel)]="showApple">Apple</mat-checkbox>
      <mat-checkbox id="orange_category">Orange</mat-checkbox>
     <div fxFlex="50" fxFlexOffset="10" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="baseline">
      <mat-checkbox id="kiwi_category">Kiwi</mat-checkbox>
      <mat-checkbox id="banana_category">Banana</mat-checkbox>
  <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="start center" id="entryDetailSection" *ngIf="showEntryDetailSection">
   <h2>Entry Details</h2>
    <div fxLayout="row" *ngIf="showApple">


showEntryProduct: boolean;
showApple: boolean;
defineFormGroup = () => {
 this.formGroup ={
  requireEntryInformation: [this.defaultFormValues['requireEntryInformation'], Validators.required]

That failed a lot so I built out: StackBlitz Example

I don't know how to handle an input field in the entry array.

  entries = [
      name: 'Apple',
      options: ['Organic', 'GMO', 'Lego'],
      checked: false,
      field_name: 'String'
      name: 'Banana',
      options: ['Organic', 'GMO', 'Lego'],
      checked: false,
      name: 'Kiwi',
      options: ['Organic', 'GMO', 'Lego'],
      checked: false,
      name: 'Contact',
      options: ['Email Required?', 'Address Required?'],
      checked: true,

In my results as soon as I click on the Apple it immediately loads the Entry Details when I want that section to be completely after Kiwi. Actual Results


  • You should start with the "data" you want to "store", not with the .html

    Some like

    <div fxlayout="row" fxLayoutalign="start center">
      <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="showEntryProduct"
        >Should entry information be collected?
    <div *ngIf="showEntryProduct">
        <h2>Entry Category</h2>
        <div *ngFor="let entry of entries">
              >{{ }}</mat-checkbox
        <div *ngFor="let entry of entries">
          <div *ngIf="entry.checked">
              <h2>Preferred {{ }}</h2>
              <mat-checkbox *ngFor="let option of entry.options">{{
            <input mat-input [(ngModel)]="fruitName"/>

    using in .ts

      //declare also a variable fruitName

    Show the data (I make "exclusive" the checkbox), but you can not know what are the option selected

    if the checked are "exclusive" we can change a bit the "entries" array adding a property: selected

    entries = [

    then we can change also the mat-check related to options

          <mat-checkbox *ngFor="let option of entry.options;let i=index" 

    Now we have all we need in "entriesArray. e.g. in submit you can use some like

        //find the entry checked
        const entrie=this.entries.find(x=>x.checked)
        //create an object "on fly" with the values
        const result=entrie?{,

    a stackblitz

    NOTE: There'r anothers ways to do, I only show a way using the event (change) of the mat-checkbox and [checked] property. If you're not using material, you can use some similar using ngModel. It's possible alse do some similar using reactive forms (but the philosophy change a bit)

    NOTE2: remember: always think first in the data we can get, after think about the .html