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Microsoft Edge "Edit and Resend" Not Showing Up

I am badly facing difficulty in opening XHR Replay in Microsoft Edge.

Please see the Image Below. I tried "Restore To Default" from Dev. Tools but that did not helped either.

Did anyone faced the same issue ?. Please help.

Microsoft Edge Version : 123.0.2420.65 (Official build) (64-bit)

Thank you, Priyanka

enter image description here


  • Seems like a new issue for Edge DevTools, and I can easily reproduce this problem on 123.0.2420.65. I also have Microsoft Edge with version 114.0.1823.43, where the "edit and resend" feature works fine.

    You can try to roll back Microsoft Edge to that version, so you may find it work again. Meanwhile, you can also send feedback to report this issue to the Dev Team using Alt+Shift+I in Microsoft Edge