Is it supported to pass the temp view as the source into merge statement?
Im creating the temp view
and then I would like to use it as the source in merge statement like this
query_1 = f"""
MERGE INTO gold.d_hsseq_user_v2 AS tgt
USING dim_user AS src
ON tgt.userid = src.userid
AND tgt.hashed_key_SCD1 <> src.sha2(concat_ws(',', {concatenated_scd1}))
UPDATE SET {set_scd1},
tgt.HSH_SCD1 = src.sha2(concat_ws(',', {concatenated_scd1}));
But Im getting the error that Database 'src' not found
it is running under one spark session, but I also tried to create global temp view and i got same error.
The above error occured due to the wrong usage of the sha2()
. The sha2()
is a not a table inbuilt function. In the above you have used it as <table_name>.sha2()
and that's the reason for the error.
You need to use sha2()
function like below sample.
query1 = "select sha2(concat_ws(',',array('user_id','name','gender')),256)"