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Using router to navigate directly instead of using context in async callback?

Here's how my project is build:

I have a router.dart file where the routing is managed

class MainRouter {

GoRouter router = GoRouter {

I pass this GoRouter object into my MaterialApp.router-Widget:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
routerConfig: MainRouter.router

I have the BuildContext as an attribute at my AppEvent.

class AppEvent extends Equatable {
  final BuildContext context;

  const AppEvent(this.context);

  List<Object> get props => [context];

Now, I have an asynchronous callback function in my AppBloc where i need to delete something from the database first and then navigate to the home screen.

 void _onAsyncFunction(AppEvent event, Emitter<AppState> emit) async {
    await _deleteDatabase();


The problem is, I get following lint issue in my project saying: "Don't use 'BuildContext's across async gaps."

I know, according to this question that i can just check with event.context.mounted to be safe the BuildContext is mounted, but i still have that lint issue.

I tried to access the MainRouter.router directly and call MainRouter.router.go("/home") and that worked, but would that violate any architectural rules either of the GoRouter or the Bloc-Architecture?

Thanks for your insights!


  • Option 1

    You could use a BlocConsumer to listen for specific BLoC states, and define a state that would indicate you should go to that route.

    class AppPopState extends AppState {
      const AppPopState()

    An then in your BLoC return that state:

     void _onAsyncFunction(AppEvent event, Emitter<AppState> emit) async {
        await _deleteDatabase();
        emit(const AppPopState());

    An listen to that state in your widget:

    Widget build(context) {
     return BlocConsumer(
       listenWhen: (_, state) => state is AppPopState,
       listener: (ctx, statte) {

    Option 2

    Defined a global key for your GoRouter, and use it to navigate from your BLoC.

    /// Root navigator key.
    final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> rootNavigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
    /// Navigation router.
    final GoRouter kRouter = new GoRouter(
      navigatorKey: rootNavigatorKey,
     void _onAsyncFunction(AppEvent event, Emitter<AppState> emit) async {
        await _deleteDatabase();